Billy Schulz circa 1967

FAQs: The Questions People Hesitate to Ask

When people find out I have a son with Down syndrome, they ask, "Is that why you're in special education?" And they say of people with Down syndrome, "Oh they're so sweet!"

I put together a list of Frequently Asked Questions About Down Syndrome; click here to read those questions and answers, and feel free to contact me if you'd like me to try to answer something that concerns you.

But on this page, I have assembled questions people are hesitant to ask. One reason I wrote Grown Man Now was to answer these questions in context, because life's bigger questions are sometimes complicated to answer, and rich to contemplate. I'm still thinking about these things, and address these and more on my blog, where you can also respond:

Some of my blogs and essays are "On the Record" here on the Grown Man Now site; click here or navigate On the Record above.

—Jane B. Schulz