This is my good friend Jonathan.
We work together at Food City.
Jonathan and I bring in the buggies together.

Note: Billy Schulz began his job at Food City, Kingsport, TN in 2001. See Jane Schulz's blog on Employment Opportunities.

My Work:
A Blog by Billy Schulz

Hi. I work at Food City in Kingsport, Tennessee. I like my job a lot. I work hard. I bag the groceries for the customers. I help the cashiers. I bring in the buggies from the parking lot. I do a lot of stuff. I clock in. My friends from my church see me there. I say hi to my sister's friends.

Work is Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

The people are so nice. Mr. Moore is nice to me. He is in that movie with me, and Jonathan is in that movie with me. You can click here if you want to see it. Courtney is in the movie. Sometimes I eat lunch with Courtney. She has a little boy. Courtney is so pretty. Courtney studies hard.

My store is big, and everything is in it. I like to shop in my store. I get the groceries for my mom, and I get milk to go in my fridgerator. On Valentine's Day, I got beautiful flowers for my mom and for my sister. I like to do that, because it's special. Make my mom cry and she gives me a big hug.

Tuesday and Thursdays I got a day off. I like my day off. Then I go to the gym and I work out and then I relax and watch tv and take a little nap.